Our highly skilled and process oriented VDC experts to work for you. Build it virtually before you build it in the field; so that when you build it in the field, you build it right the first time. This is our primary motivator for Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). Like a Time Machine, VDC shows us the events of the future – how a facility will be put together and how it will be when built. VDC is going to become the way buildings will be built in the future.
“Model what you build and Build what you model”. Models must be organized to reflect field conditions accurately. We use a variety of authoring and collaboration tools where interaction with site personnel help achieve an efficient construction prototype facilitating a higher level of certainty in the construction process.
To optimize modeling by minimizing clashes, our processes use a Phased approach. This Phased approach uses a combination of Space Categorization (based on congestion), System priority and Interstitial Space Allocation Method to deploy the best sequence of modeling to minimize clashes in the model and rework during modeling. Our approach also incorporates constructability, access, and field knowledge to create installable models.
Our As-built modelling processes use point cloud data and other photogrammetry capture methods to create an intelligent 3D BIM to accurately represent the as-built conditions that can be used to create more reliable design in renovation projects.
In the era of modernization and innovation, the assurance of standards is quite important, as they help to improve quality as well as grow in a competitive market. These standards revolve around embracing technological advancement, meeting evolving expectations, and providing exceptional customer service.
RJ Cad Solutions makes sure that all standards are followed to satisfy customers and meet the deadline on time. Their architectural, as well as construction units, follow all the guidelines as per international standards.
RJ Cad Solutions provides free consultations with experts, to make your dream a reality. After consultation, our team visits the site so that they can start working on your dream as soon as possible. After construction, our interior design team will provide you with suggestions that will make your home a dream place. You can find all the services under one roof.